Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Walking walking...

For the Aunties!

While we were waiting in the hospital today, while cousin Austin was on the way! We love our new cousin, he is really cute!

*for the aunties who are far far away!

Introducing Cousin Austin!

Kyle's sister, Jamie is amazing! She went into labor early this morning and by noon Austin had arrived. Jamie and baby Austin are doing well. Austin was due on St. Patrick's Day but decided to come a little early - which we all welcomed!

Austin Timothy DeVore
7lbs 14 oz and 21 inches long

Tim, Jamie and baby Austin are expected to go home tomorrow.

Guess what?

The other day I was shopping in Target and got inspired by this woman that I met. So, we have decided to start to introduce Miles to Potty Time. We are into day two! He is a little afraid of the potty, although interested in what is on the potty.

Just wanted to share!

Monday, March 2, 2009

New Look and more...

Hello!  So, I thought that we would refresh our blog - it needed a facelift!

We are also hoping to use our blog more so that our family and friends can keep in touch with us.
Stay tuned for more blogs coming your way soon!

I thought I would leave you with a funny picture of Miles...enjoy!

Have a great day!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Goonies NEVER say die.....

We finally checked out the Goonies house in Astoria on our way home from Seaside this time. It wasn't as spectacular as we thought it was going to be but still cool. You can't really see from this photo but there is a Israeli flag hanging next to the american flag, who new the goonies were Jewish!!!

WInter At The Beach